Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Women In Hats is Here!

I'd like to introduce the newest member of my family: Women in Hats.

It was a long, long delivery. The edges were particularly tricky. But she's here. And yes, she's definitely a girl. Her name is Leigh Majors, and she is never going to change it.

So strange to have a new book out in the world. This is something so personal, something that I worked on so quietly, and thought about when I was supposed to be paying attention to other things. And now it's out in the world.

I have this fantasy of seeing someone reading my book on the subway. So, you New Yorkers out there -- help me out! Get that book, open it up and ride the rails!

Next month, I'll have a reading at New York's "Kettle of Fish" and I will announce that here, via email and anywhere else possible.

Meanwhile, I'm working very hard on book #3, having fun with Annie and generally enjoying life. And you?

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